
Publications in reversed chronological order.

Journal Publications


  1. Remote tutoring with low-tech means to accelerate learning: Evidence for El Salvador
    Zoido, P., Flores, I., Hevia, F. J., Székely, M., and Castro, E.
    Economics of Education Review, 2024

Working papers


  1. Ceasefire Economics: The Causal Effects of Reduced Violence on Labor Markets
    Castro, E.


  1. The Monopoly of Peace: Gang Criminality and Political Elections in El Salvador
    Castro, E., and Kotti, R.
    APSA Preprints, 2022

Works in Progress

  1. Breaking the Gang: A Preventive Approach to Reduce Recruitment in Schools
    Castro, E., Coy, F., Schmidt-Padilla, C., and Sviatschi, M. M.

Policy papers


  1. El Salvador: Migración, remesas y educación
    Herrera, R., Abrego, K., Escobar, J., Castro, E., Garcia, G., and Barrios, J.
    Organización Internacional para las Migraciones, 2022
  2. Saving Democracy: Reducing Gang Influence on Political Elections in El Salvador
    Castro, E., and Kotti, R.
    Harvard Kennedy School, 2022


  1. Education Caught COVID-19
    Castro, E.
    Latin American Policy Journal, 2021


  1. Los costos educativos de la crisis sanitaria en América Latina y el Caribe
    Acevedo, I., Castro, E., Fernandez-Coto, R., Flores, I., Perez Alfaro, M., Szekely, M., and Zoido, P.
    Inter-American Development Bank, 2020
  2. Hablemos de Política Educativa 3: Una década perdida? Los costos educativos de la crisis sanitaria en América Latina y el Caribe
    Acevedo, I., Castro, E., Fernandez-Coto, R., Flores, I., Perez Alfaro, M., Szekely, M., and Zoido, P.
    Inter-American Development Bank, 2020
  3. The role of Central American Trade in developing El Salvador’s high-value exports
    Castro, E.
    Repositorio Digital de Ciencia y Cultura de El Salvador, 2020


  1. Mesoamerica: Are the schools and their environment safe? (Spanish)
    Castro, E., Lopez, A., Viteri, A., and Zoido, P.
    Inter-American Development Bank, 2019
  2. What are the main educational challenges in Mesoamerica? (Spanish)
    Castro, E., Lopez, A., Fernandez-Coto, R., and Zoido, P.
    Inter-American Development Bank, 2019


  1. El Salvador: Better Education to More Children It’s within Reach
    Castro, E., and Zoido, P.
    Inter-American Development Bank, 2018